How African Traditional house designers Inspire Modern Architecture,and construct beautiful homes that are climate resistance in nature


The use of traditional building materials and design is often found itself in a difficult situation, that is either being under the threat of perished under the force of modernisation or being innovatively implemented to meet modern building standards and living conditions. Traditional building materials and design have gained renewed attention in the green building movement, thanks to the use of locally accessible resources that address local conditions in a cost effective way.

Many traditional building materials have benefited from innovative technologies in both manufacture and application. These developments have made several traditional building materials more financially feasible, environmental friendly and technically sound. The following examples highlight practices and technologies that contribute toward mitigating climate change
indeed African traditional houses are climate resistance in nature and they adapt to all the weather condition in the region

The architecture of Africa, like other aspects of the culture of Africa, is exceptionally diverse. Throughout the history of Africa, Africans have had their own architectural traditions. In some cases, broader styles can be identified, such as the Sahelian architecture of an area of West Africa. One common theme in much traditional African architecture is the use of fractal scaling: small parts of the structure tend to look similar to larger parts, such as a circular village made of circular houses
As with most architectural traditions elsewhere, African architecture has been subject to numerous external influences from the earliest periods for which evidence is available. Western architecture has also influenced coastal areas since the late 15th century, and is now an important source for many larger buildings, particularly in major cities.
African architecture uses a wide range of materials. One finds structures in thatch, stick/wood, mud, mudbrick, rammed earth, and stone, with the preference for materials varying by region: North Africa for stone and rammed earth, Horn of Africa for drystone and mortar, West Africa for mud/adobe, Central Africa for thatch/wood and more perishable materials, Southeast and Southern Africa for stone and thatch/wood.
Traditional African buildings have thick walls which are built from stone and sun-dried mud-brick and rendered with mud plaster. These materials allow the thick wall to smooth out the large diurnal temperature variations in the region, and to act as thermal mass to warm up the internal space at night during dry season. Small windows are strategically located high on walls to foster cross ventilation during heat, and are closed with small dense bushes (acting as thermal insulation) . Deep recessed windows on walls and overhang from elements such as balconies act as sun shading devices
Mr Mucktar Jibo is an architect in Nigeria and he explained why he likes the traditional houses, and as modern Architect,there are many things he learned from the olding days building
He said ,Todays technology contribute to socio-economic development and environmental protection,and apart from that Innovative use of traditional building materials and design are relevant and beneficial to developing countries, especially least developed countries, because of the following characteristics:
1.Well-established and proven technologies and practices, which are updated for better performance and innovatively used for wider application in the local context, where they are implemented
2.Appropriate to local climatic conditions, and as such being energy efficient with little effort
3.Using locally available and accessible resources, to reduce the need for transporting materials from afar
4.Nurturing local building material manufacturers
5.Alleviating shortages of construction materials for certain regions and nations during construction boom periods
6.Providing job opportunities for local work forces, whose skills and experience are readily relevant, due to the familiarity to the materials and techniques involved.
7.Low-cost to no-additional cost for implementation
8.Resulting buildings that are socially and culturally familiar to the users.
Murtar further added that ,the introduction of technology and electronic systems within the house has questioned the impressions of privacy as well as the segregation of work from home. Technological advances of surveillance and communications allow insight of personal habits and private lives.As a result, the “private becomes ever more public, the desire for a protective home life increases, fuelled by the very media that undermine it”


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