Report indicate that African hunters are in the fore front in eliminating Antelopes in the region

About 82 percent of African antelope species, May likely decline in suitable habitat by 2080 due to the effect of climate change. About one-quarter are likely to see their range size drop in half.

Africa’s antelope species are in need of immediate help if they’re going to survive the threat of climate change,
Scientists had suspected that animals with the smallest ranges to start with might be at the greatest risk as the climate changes. That’s because small ranges imply that species thrive under a very narrow range of conditions. Even small changes in climate could push those species outside of their comfort zones.

Indeed ,African antelopes ‘could become extinct’ as humans hunt them for meat and cut into their habitats with roads with bush burning

Africa’s antelope species are in need of immediate help if they’re going to survive the threat of climate change, as Most antelopes are found in developing countries which is why it’s critically important that we collaborate with local communities there since it is in their own interest to help preserve these animals.”

It is obviously clear that African Antelope’s are in a critical situation due to the continuous demand of animal meat and skin for cloth cloth and other needed material

The antelope’s horn is prized for medicinal and magical powers in many places. The horn of the male saiga, in Eastern practice, is ground as an aphrodisiac, for which it has been hunted nearly to extinction.

In the Congo, it is thought to confine spirits. Christian iconography sometimes uses the antelope’s two horns as a symbol of the two spiritual weapons Christians possess: the Old Testament and the New Testament.

The antelope’s ability to run swiftly has also led to their association with the wind, such as in the Rig Veda, as the steeds of the Maruts and the wind god Vayu.

There is, however, no scientific evidence that the horns of any antelope have any change on a human’s physiology or characteristics

So many factor were responsible for these, Unsustainable harvesting, whether for food or traditional medicine, and human encroachment on their habitat are the main threats facing antelopes

There is no doubt that the population of African Elephant is also decrease day-by day as result of human demand for the Elephant Horn and other part of her body for medicine ETC
Five species of antelope are in the highest category of threat, Critically Endangered, including the Dama Gazelle (Nanger dama), Aders’ Duiker (Cephalophus adersi), the Saiga Antelope (Saiga tatarica), Hirola (Beatragus hunteri) and Addax (Addax nasomaculatus).

The Scimitar Horned Oryx (Oryx dammah) is already Extinct in the Wild, but there are ongoing efforts to reintroduce it. The Dama Gazelle and Addax are both reduced to tiny remnant populations and highlight the dire situation for wildlife in the Sahelo-Saharan region

African Climate reporters therefore calls for adequate collaborate with local communities in the interest to help preserve these animals


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