Nigerian Climate activist & NGO team-up and trained 50 students ways to reduce global warming.


In an effort to reduce the increasing threat of climate change that is affecting Human,Animals and little plant in the society, African climate reporters”Network of climate journalists reporting in Africa” in conjunction with Women Hood school of health science kaduna-North western Nigeria organize one day workshop for students in the school ,which is aimed at sensitizing them on impact of global warming and how each and every student will contribute to reduce the problems that is affecting the environment

Declaring the workshop open,Mallam nurudeen Bello a science lecturer at school of health science Makarfi , who is also an expert on Climate changes in Nigeria says, the Knowledge of Climate education will surely Create more opportunities for young people to learn more about climate change and the various way to adapt to any environmental and natural situation ,and how to adapt living in the environment.

Nurudden added that ,The Climate Change has now force the emergence of more Insect-Borne Diseases which are extremely harder to Control example are Mosquitoes,Ebola, Bird Flu, Cholera, Parasites,Lyme disease, Sleeping sickness, Rift Valley fever and among other, adding that if care is not taking,there will be many more diseases in the nearby future,that will become a big threat to lives of human being,Animals and other little plant in the society

Nurudden said,”our aims here is to teaches student more about the causes of climate change and the various ways each in which each and every one of them will contribute in his quato toward saving the environment against all forms of attack which include global warming,desertification, pollution etc ,so as to save our environment against all forms of threat and dangers
“The world is going green and we must join the whole world so as to save our plant”

Scientific research throughout the past decades has demonstrated how climatic changes have important impacts on the livelihoods of people around the world. For most of developing countries their level of structural and social vulnerability, are a dangerous combination and a formula for impacts of higher magnitude

Nurudeen pointed out that “our target is to teaches 50 students about climate change,and we are hoping to continuously teaching more student about the subject,hoping to see that many other schools will emulate this ,so that together we can change the entire African country’s”

In his own remark,Mallam mohammed Zakari a represendative of African Climate reporters in Nigeria says,”we think its high time to start introducing climate change Topic in our schools,so that the young once will start learning about Climate change at the early stage, in order to save the continent and the world at large from climatic related diseases.

Mohammed said ,our organization involved union of climatologist and science journalists ,who have dedicate their time in writing to many media organization about educating the general public on Climate change challenges to our environment

Mohammed further state that Nigerian teachers and Educators need to help students learn more about climate change –in- and out side class room premises ,and also introduce new methodologies in teaching science subject through local languages ,in other to enabled the young once understand the teaching of science subject to their own understanding
Some of the student that attended the training expressed satisfaction ,and call on more of such training in other to enabled them learnt more about global warming and climate changes in the local communities


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