Report has indicate that,So many small scale farmers in Africa are now adaption many technic in the farmland ,which is aimed at tackling the increasing daily challenges of climate change and desertification facing the entire region.
One important aspect of climate change is drought. As the temperature of the earth continues to rise, some areas will see more rainfall, but others will see considerably less, causing drought conditions. It has been estimated that, by the end of the 21st century, the areas in the world affected by drought will have doubled compared to today.
There is no doubt , that Climate change is one of the most pressing challenges facing humanity. Farmers in particular may be impacted by its effects, which include drought, extreme heat, severe weather events, shifting climatic trends, flooding, and compromised harvests.
Since climate change could also increase plant disease infestation, biotechnology enables development of disease diagnostic kits for use in the laboratory and field that could be used to detect plant diseases early, by testing for the presence of pathogen’s DNA or proteins produced by pathogens or plants during infection.
Even as new pest and diseases emerge due to climate change, farmers are still able to mitigate this with insect-resistant crops. Theses crops require fewer insecticide treatments, resulting in a reduction in fuel use and lower CO2 emissions
Mr Samson john is one of the local farmer in northern Nigeria,he explained why African farmers are now adopting new technics in their farmland, in tackling climate change through planting crops that are resistance to their farm land ,which can also survived and live in an environment that has problems with vegetation
Every year, nations come together to work out solutions to mitigating/adapting to the devastating effects of our changing climate. Biotechnology has an important role to play in this debate.
Mr Samson added that “Plants are constantly being exposed to many kinds of environmental challenges, one of the main ones of course being drought, A lack of water can seriously affect a plants growth and development, a particularly important consideration for food crops as it is likely to have a detrimental effect on crop quality and eventual yield”.
Crops are now bred to be herbicide tolerant, which means that farmers have the opportunity to reduce the level and efforts in ploughing. Thus a resultant reduction in tractor use also helps to protect the structure of the soil which reduces erosion.
For us African climate reporter ,we feels that there is need to redouble effort in educating the entire people of Africa, and it is our responsibilities to also find other means apart from reporting in sensitizing the public on the importance of introducing Climate change education in both primary,secondary and terciary institutes across the African nation