Treating the industrial effluents before dumping them in water bodies


The waste produced by the industries is toxic and causes vigorous damage to the water bodies. The chemicals present in them pollute the water. This leads to the death of many fishes and aquatic organisms.

Water from these lakes or rivers is used for irrigation. The chemicals mix with the soil, and the crops produced are consumed by humans. This causes serious health hazards in man.

To minimize the harmful effects of industrial wastes, scientific methods such as thermal techniques and chemical techniques can be used to treat those wastes and treat water pollution. Chemical techniques include:

Ion exchange
Oxidation and reduction
And neutralization

Reducing the use of fertilizers

With the rise in population, there is a demand for more food. As a result, the farmers are bound to produce more crop yields to compete in the market every year. This leads to the use of inorganic fertilizers for more yields. Inorganic fertilizers consist of harmful chemicals such as zinc, arsenic, etc., which causes soil pollution. The use of fertilizers has resulted in many health hazards among humans. It also degrades soil quality. We need to stop using inorganic fertilizers. Organic manures can also be used.
Control population growth.

The rate of population is increasing at a tremendous rate. Population explosion is a serious issue in developing countries. The mortality rate is decreasing due to developed health care, but the resources remain constant. As a result, competition occurs. A large number of forests are burnt down to provide shelter. Non-renewable resources are overused. As a result, famines and natural calamities occur.
Conserve the endangered species

The ecosystem is balanced, and every organism is interrelated to each other. A change or loss of one organism can alter the cycle, causing a discrepancy in the environment.

Due to various environmental changes, many species are getting extinct or are on the verge of extinction. Endangered species, such as the one-horned rhino, needs to be conserved. We need to conserve these endangered species before they get extinct and alter the ecosystem.

Poaching and translocation should be avoided.

The process of conservation of endangered species can be divided into two phases:

Identification of species in danger.
Protection and implementation of short term measures to halt extinction.
Implementation of long term measures to rebuild the population.

Create awareness among people about the issue.

Not many people around us know much about ecosystems and their environment. They have no idea about climate change or global warming. Public consciousness must be made about the necessity of conservation and the harmful effects of environmental degradation. I feel it is our responsibility to make awareness among the people about environmental degradation. Talk about it to people around you and spread the word. Run school campaigns and spread awareness. Abide by the rules of the government and help others implement the laws too.


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