Daily Archives: February 19, 2022

How Much Water on Earth is Drinkable?

Yes, we already know that our earth is surrounded by 71% of water. But do you know the fact under this huge number? Well,...

How Much Water is There on Earth?

Do you know what refers to our earth as a “blue planet”? Well, the answer is its water content, which is about 71% all...

Treating the industrial effluents before dumping them in water bodies

The waste produced by the industries is toxic and causes vigorous damage to the water bodies. The chemicals present in them pollute the water....

What Can We Do to Control Environmental Degradation?

By planting more trees Afforestation or planting of trees can help us control environmental degradation. Plants give us oxygen and take in carbon dioxide, thereby...

How to Control Environmental Degradation?

Controlling Environmental Degradation: The environment provides us with basic needs essential for survival. Humans play an integral role in the ecosystem and are guilty...