How Climate Change forces Rural Vulnerabilities,& Human Migration to major Cities in Africa


There is no doubt that ,The devastating effects of climate change are already being felt across the planet, including in Africa

Rural migrants are mostly young people, and the majority comes from farming families. To be franks ,around 60 percent of rural migrants are between 15 and 34 years old. Most migrants are men; however in some countries like Mozambique, Democratic Republic of the Congo or Burkina, women form the majority of those who are migrating.while countries like Nigeria,Niger republis,Ghana,Togo,Benin Republic,Senegal and some part of the west Africa,Men were usually predominantly the migrant

The world’s population is becoming increasingly urban. Sometime in 2007 is usually reckoned to be the turning point when city dwellers formed the majority of the global population for the first time in history.

Believe me or not ,the global temperature and precipitation have changed rapidly over the last century due to anthropogenic increases of greenhouse gases(GHGs)in the atmosphere(for example, burning of fossil fuels, like coal, petroleum and natural gasses and widespread deforestation)

Indeed, cities grow in three ways, which can be difficult to distinguish: through migration (whether it’s internal migration from rural to urban areas, or international migration between countries); the natural growth of the city’s population; and the reclassification of nearby non-urban districts. Although migration is only responsible for one share of this growth, it varies widely from country to country.

So many factors were responsible rural Vulnerability and human migration in African continent

Climate change has been linked to increased frequency and intensity of destructive weather events, such as floods and hurricanes. But the effects of a warming planet on crops may pose an even greater danger, especially for the world’s poor, according to the World Bank.

Sub-Saharan Africa is particularly vulnerable to climate change due to its extensive reliance on rain-fed crop production, which represents 96 percent of agricultural land, and limited economic and institutional capacity to adapt to climate impacts.

The increasing occurrence of flooding and drought is also another Predicted problem for Africa.

Rural people have generally lower school attainments than their urban counterparts, and rural migrants are no exception. Migrants tend, however, to spend more years in school than non-migrants do.

Climate change can set back development of nations.Even though African countries are working on adaptation and mitigation options to minimize the adverse effects, climate change is expected to cause large damage to their economy.Thus, climate change adaptation and mitigation options require greater attention to ensure future food security and well-being Of African peoples

Solutions to global warming in Africa include effective land use planning to avoid forest degradation, developing renewable energy, and limiting the expansion of coal-fired power plants
Although the countries of Africa have some of the lowest overall and per capita global warming emissions on the planet, they are also likely to suffer from some of the worst consequences of climate change.

These impacts may already be unfolding in the form of droughts, famine, desertification, and population displacement. In the context of high levels of poverty and malnutrition, the priority for many African countries is increasing access to energy services and improving the economic welfare of their people.
Africa, along with South America and Southeast Asia, has experienced a significant loss of forests in the past two decades. The Congo Basin Rainforest is the world’s second largest tropical forest and spans 700,000 square miles in 6 countries. Fortunately, deforestation and forest degradation in the Congo Basin are historically low. New efforts are underway to ensure effective land use planning, balancing local subsistence needs with conservation.

By pioneering new renewable energy projects and establishing forward-thinking innovation centers, many countries in Africa are looking to renewable energy as a solution to meet their growing energy needs in a sustainable way, while working toward practical adaptation strategies to mitigate global warming impacts.

It has been observed that rural households tend to rely heavily on climate-sensitive resources such as local water supplies and agricultural land; climate-sensitive activities such as arable farming and livestock husbandry; and natural resources such as fuelwood and wild herbs.

Climate change can reduce the availability of these local natural resources, limiting the options for rural households that depend on natural resources for consumption or trade. Land may become less fertile; fewer reeds may be available for basketmaking; there may be less local fuelwood for cooking

Meeting these adaptation challenges is the responsibility not only of the African nations that are facing them, but also of developed countries that bear the historical responsibility for most global warming emissions. While progress is being made, much more needs to be done to address current and future development and energy needs on the African continent.

The biggest question I always asked my self is,Are African government responding to the fight against climate changes in the environment?

Which African Government is supporting the fight?

Believe me or not climate change is real,and we must join hands in creating awareness to educate our people



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