African Religious leader/politicians were encourage to fight Climate change and Desertification through planting trees


The following are very vital and useful information to all religious leaders, politician and various community organization across Africa  region to be use when planning for Trees planning Campaign,

Trees beautify our cities, promote healthy climatic conditions, improve quality of environment, and check desertification, landslide and erosion. Trees also encourage ecotourism, games, resorts and are also home to varieties of medicinal plants and wildlife, They also contribute to the process of carbon sequestration and act as carbon sink, which is important for reduction of green house gases and global warming

The objective of the Tree Campaign is to encourage people, communities, organizations, business and industry, civil society and governments to collectively plant  trees worldwide each year,in other to protect the environment

Indeed, it is an incontestable fact that desertification is one of the fundamental environmental problems that is responsible for the current trend in global warming, drought, decrease in crop yield, forced migration and loss of biodiversity among others.

Here are some of the point  that can help them in planning for Trees planting Campaign in the region ,so as  to save the continent  against all forms of desertification , deforestation and environmental degradation

1- Local political leaders of all political organizations should be taken into confidence to make this campaign successful at grassroots level

2.All religious leaders of the area should also be involved in this Campaign

  1. All religious forums including Church, Temple, and Mosque should also be contacted and their management should be convinced to plant trees around their place of worship
  2. All types of spiritual leaders and spiritual healers should also be asked to cooperate in effective launch of this campaign.
  3. All charities should also be appealed to plant trees within their buildings and also around them if possible and also dole out a sapling with charity to deserving people.
  4. Culture of tree plantation should be promoted in different cultures living in the city
  5. Giving the Gift of sapling ,on birthdays should be promoted at the grassroots level with the help of opinion leaders

The aim of the exercise is to sensitize the public on the importance of trees in our environment and also to discourage indiscriminate felling of trees due to its attendant consequences

The campaign strongly encourages the planting of indigenous trees and trees that are appropriate to the local environment


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