Muslim scholars perspective on Climate change.


By Sheikh Aminu Ibrahim Daurawa
…..Our faith teaches us that Allah has placed humans as stewards (khalifah) of the earth to protect and safeguard His creation, meaning that Muslims have a responsibility to tackle climate change.

We believe that climate change is a man-made problem mainly caused by burning high levels of fossil fuels and pursuing irresponsible and unsustainable economic growth. We recognise that the poorest people around the world including here in Africa are suffering the worst effects of climate change which is a huge injustice.

As active members of Muslim communities living in the Nigeria, it is our duty to speak, act and collaborate with like-minded people to tackle the most dangerous threat to human life and our beautiful planet.

He quoted….
Oh you who believe! Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allah, even as against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, and whether it be (against) rich or poor…” [Qur’an 4:135]

Climate change is undeniable by any sane individual. It is evident everywhere around us unless we deliberately choose to ignore it.

Sheikh said When we speak of climate change we are not talking solely about our neighborhoods, our cities, or our nations. We must look beyond our immediate surroundings and understand the sheer scope of the problem and its global impact. As citizens of this world, we have a vested interest in climate change. Any change to the planet affects all those who live on it.


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