African Climate reporters bid farewell to 2017,and wishes every Climate activist & Climatologists across the planet happy new year 2018 in advance.


As the countdown begins – heralding the passing of the old  year and the start of a  brown New year 2018

The entire team of African Climate reporters wishes to convey their  profound gratitude to every climate change activists across the globe a happy year ,and hoping to see more commitment by Civil society organization CSO and Non –governmental organization in Africa,in other to be more pro-active  in the battle against desertification ,deforestation, soil erosion  and climate change that is affecting the entire African continent.

Indeed ,New Year’s is the time for life changing decisions that bring about a complete overhaul in once  life. Hum a tune of happiness, welcoming the Future, Clap your hands in anticipation

Some says “Another year comes to an end. Let’s Welcome the New Year, give a happy Adieu to the Old, start the new beginning without fear and Cherish The Memories We Hold!”

Everyone needs some sort of inspiration in their lives, as it is the driving force behind all our aspirations and dreams, so this New Year’s fuel up your loved one’s lives with messages that make them want to strive constantly to fulfill all their resolutions and fill their lives with happiness.

African Climate reporters wishes to also expressed her appreciation and satisfaction to all the international organizations  that are organizing annual conference on climate change,hoping to see more of it in Africa

While calling on African Union AU to draw the attention of all its members on the importance of Trees plantation,so as to protect forestry against all forms of soil erosion and desert encroachment in the region

In conclusion ,African Climate reporters are simply saying ,May the universe bless you in

Surprising and joyful ways.
Thanks for all the fun, and lovely moments we shared
May we have lots more in the glorious New Year.

As we ring in the New, and bid adieu to the Old…
May the days ahead bring forth
Good Luck and Happiness manifold!
Happy New Year.

Team Leader

African Climate reporters

Ibrahima pima



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