Repurposing Used Beverage Bottles Into Useful Building Materials to save environment


The Eco Nigeria bottle houses are solar powered, come with a fuel-efficient clean cook stove, water purification tanks and urine filtration fertilization systems making the homes “energy autonomous.”
Millions if not billions of plastic water and beverage bottles are discarded every year, with most making their way to landfills, the ocean, or, in poorer countries, disposed of in heaps.

Bottle houses are often more convenient to build in a circular fashion. The circular shape adds strength to the walls, while providing a very artistic and pleasing appearance. Any person with masonry skills can be used as labor in the construction of one of these homes.

In developing countries, this waste is often just mounded in garbage piles. In more wealthy nations, there are often recycling programs, which find ways to reutilize at least a portion of this waste stream which sounds great, content/uploads/2018/09/40513615_10156552741377230_8575917991999307776_n-300×225.jpg” alt=”” width=”300″ height=”225″ class=”alignnone size-medium wp-image-1429″ />


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