Climatologist warned of increase heat due to climate change & deforestation in Africa, expressed fears of Heat-stroke,


Cities and towns across the world are often affected by the urban heat effect which has a health implication to human being due to increase Global warming, deforestation and other ecological challenges.

Climate change is expected to increase the frequency, duration and intensity of heat waves, affecting public health, Increased daytime temperatures, reduced nighttime cooling and higher air pollution levels associated with heat events can affect human health.

As climate change continues to warm the planet, trees should be a staple of any city plan. that’s why African Climate reporters continues to draw the attention of the general public on plant trees trees in multiples countries most impacted by habitat loss or climate change

People living in cities are already at a higher risk of heat waves because urban areas are warmer than surrounding non-urban areas due to the heat island effect.

In fact during extreme heat events, our social systems ,health personnel need to be well equipped to help residents, especially the elderly and otherwise isolated or particularly vulnerable in order to avert all the tragic heat related crises across the African region.

According to the assistant director African Climate reporters Dr piman Hoffman, a science-climatologist says, Trees help to reduce the carbon dioxide and emits oxygen which cools the environment
Adding that Trees help cool the planet by absorbing carbon dioxide as part of their photosynthesis process and by evaporating water into the air.

Trees and other plants help cool the environment, making vegetation a simple and effective way to reduce urban heat islands

Prolonged exposure to extreme heat can cause heat exhaustion, heat cramps, heat stroke, and death, as well as exacerbate preexisting chronic conditions, such as various respiratory, cerebral, and cardiovascular diseases. These serious health consequences usually affect more vulnerable populations such as the elderly, children, and those with existing cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.

Socioeconomic factors, such as economically disadvantaged and socially isolated individuals, are also at risk from heat-related burdens. As global temperatures rise and extreme heat events increase in frequency due to climate change we can expect to see more heat-related illnesses and mortality.

It is a clear fact that Many cities and towns across the world experience higher air temperatures than surrounding rural areas which has health implication to both human being and all the living organism in the environment.

Extreme heat events can trigger a variety of heat stress conditions, such as heat stroke. Indeed Heat stroke is the most serious heat-related disorder. It occurs when the body becomes unable to control its temperature. Body temperature rises rapidly, the sweating mechanism fails and the body cannot cool down. This condition can cause death or permanent disability if emergency treatment is not given.

Heat cramps and exhaustion are also health impacts of extreme heat exposure. Small children, the elderly and certain other groups including people with chronic diseases, low-income populations and outdoor workers have higher risk for heat-related illness. Higher temperatures and respiratory problems are also linked.

One reason is because higher temperatures contribute to the build-up of harmful air pollutants.
Public health systems need to be prepared for extreme events and responses will demand a concerted effort among the public health community, the medical establishment, emergency responses teams, the housing authority, and law enforcement in order to quickly identify and serve the populations vulnerable to extreme heat events.
Increased heat, generated by the buildup of carbon, has been found to help disease-carrying organisms such as mosquitos thrive by producing stable environments for them

Human response to heat stress can be hyperthermia, heat stroke and other harmful effects. Heat illness can relate to many of the organs and systems including: brain, heart, kidneys, liver, etc
Environmental changes such as deforestation could increase local temperatures in the highlands thus could enhance the vectorial capacity of the anopheles

Anopheles mosquitoes are responsible for the transmission of a number of diseases in the world, such as, malaria, lymphatic filariasis and viruses that can cause such ailments

Increased temperatures and increase in extreme heat events cause heat exhausting, heat stroke, and death, especially in vulnerable populations.

High concentrations of buildings in urban areas cause urban heat island effect, generation and absorbing heat, making the urban center several degrees warmer than surrounding areas.

With temperature records being smashed month after month, year after year, it’s likely that human-caused global warming is making extreme heat events more frequent. Higher temperatures also boost evaporation, which dries out the soil in summer — intensifying drought over many areas

The dangerous effects of heat waves, including death, occur as a result of both temperature and humidity — especially if those conditions persist for more than two days.

With temperature records being smashed month after month, year after year, it’s likely that human-caused global warming is making extreme heat events more frequent.

Higher temperatures also boost evaporation, which dries out the soil in summer — intensifying drought over many areas.

Researchers have found that planting deciduous trees or vines to the west is typically most effective for cooling a building, especially if they shade windows and part of the building’s roof.

Current scientific knowledge of strategies to maximise cooling and the extent to which this knowledge is being translated into practice are discussed as are the measures which have been adopted to help value this benefit.

Green infrastructure can play an important role in the reduction of urban air temperatures, lessening their negative impact on human thermal comfort and health. For that to happen, it is important to design new greenspaces and manage established ones in ways that will maximise cooling.


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